A work in progress...
So, you’re a client of Dojo4?
We’re glad we found each other and are getting the chance to work together. Here’s an outline of some process tools that we like to use and some suggestions for how to engage to make the process as effective, efficient and smooth as possible…
We use Redmine as our online project management software. It allows us and our clients to create and manage the tasks that make up the structure of each project. We do this using tickets called issues. Each issue is a task or to-do, and anyone can create, modify or comment on issues. Anyone who is part of the project can thereby watch the project’s progress by monitoring the issues.
You’ll get a login that will let you access the project site online.
Feel free to click around and get familiar with the features of the application.
You can see where we’re at with tickets by browsing the Issues or by looking at Activity. Another way to monitor the progress of the project is to look at the commits in Github. This may be available within your Redmine project, or you can login in to Github directly. If you don’t have access to the repo already, just ask.
In order to create a new issue, click on the new issue; tab at the top, fill out form and click Create; if that’s the only new issue you want to create, or Create and continue; if you want to create another new issue. Don’t worry too much about filling it out just right. The most important areas to complete are:
SUBJECT - this is a good place to use ; language, e.g. add vertical scroll bar to app or get app running under chrome, etc.
DESCRIPTION - use this area to describe what’s needed
PRIORITY - assign the urgency you associate with this issue from this pull-down menu
ASSIGNEE - please make sure you assign the issue to someone so that we receive notification, don’t worry if you have the right person assigned as long as the field is not left blank
DUE DATE - does this task have a hard deadline? if not, just leave it blank
FILES - if there are any documents or other attachments that are useful in supporting this issue, please upload them here
WATCHERS - everyone with access to the project can see everything in there (our team constantly monitors all activity in Redmine), but if there is someone beside the ASSIGNEE that you’d like to pay special attention, select them here…
Please use Redmine, instead of email, to make all project related requests. We’ve found that it contributes positively to the momentum of the project, if clients use this as the main way to ask for new tasks and request changes. Email tends to bog things down and confuse, rather than clarify, communication.